Archive for the ‘Ethan’ Category

Hospital Time!

Thursday, July 30th, 2009


Everything is going much better today. Ethan came out of the NICU at 6pm yesterday. His breathing treatment went great but now we have just been trying to bring up his blood sugar levels. He came out of the NICU because his levels were above 40. In order to keep it above that level we have had to give him some formula because Beka isn’t quite ready for him yet. Beka has been doing great today. Been moving around a lot more and is ready to go home. She keeps saying that she is tired of being in bed. Her Dr. said we could go home anytime but the Pediatrician said we needed to say over night again so they could make sure Ethan could maintain an over 40 blood sugar. He is a much better eater than Tyler ever was, so we are very hopeful for future feedings. Tyler is chillin at home with Grandma Gibbons today. They came up earlier this morning and Tyler sang his little brother a few songs. He sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “ABC’s”. It was very cute. We got it on video so I will have to post it later. He is excited to be a big brother. Thanks to everyone that has visited, texted, and called.

Ethan Trent is Here!

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009


Baby Ethan has arrived. He came into the world a little after 1pm. We actually aren’t sure the exact time yet, but it was around 1pm. Beka did great this time. She was able to push him out all by herself. Tyler was salad tonged out. They had to cut just a tiny bit right at the end for him to get his head out. He was 7lbs 5oz, and 19.5 inches long. While he was coming out he swallowed some blood and so he was having a little bit of trouble breathing without a rasp. So they sent him to the NICU to put him on a breathing tube to force air down his throat. They had him on that for an hour and then they were going to monitor him for another hour. I was able to see him get all hooked up and then I came down to be with Beka. We are waiting to see him again. Last we heard he is doing fine, so there isn’t anything to worry about at this moment. We will keep you posted.

Ultra Sound-It’s A Boy!

Thursday, March 26th, 2009


Boy or Girl???

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Well today was the day. We had that all important ultra sound. We finally got to find out if it was a boy or a girl! It was an exciting moment. We have been talking over the last week about what we thought we are having. With Tyler, we both knew it was a boy. With this one we were just unsure. We had that deep down feeling it would be a boy just because history seems to repeat itself on the Gibbons side of the family. But we both truely didn’t know what this one would be. We of course were hoping for a girl to break things up a bit. Tyler has kind of been jumping around a bit, but lately has been asking for a baby sister.

So if you can’t wait anymore, click HERE to find out what we will be bringing into this world. Also make sure you stare at the screen long enough so it can sink in.

12 week Dr. Visit!

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009


We went to our 12 week Dr. visit today. This is the visit where we get to hear the heartbeat to make sure all of this sickness is worth it. There was a shocking development when we got there, the Dr. was behind… So after a 45 min wait we finally got into the room. The Dr. came in and he got right down to hearing the hearbeat. Problem was, he couldn’t find it. Now we are no professionals at this by any means, but this made us a little nervous. He didn’t seem too nervous, but he wanted to not let us leave all freaked out, so he told us he wanted to do an ultra sound. Of course theirs was broken so we had to walk over to the office next door to use their machine. After informing us the he hadn’t used the ultra sound machine in about 10 years, the Dr. put the gel on her tummy and the baby appeared on the screen. He said that the baby looked good and the hearbeat was thumping away. He was able to capture a picture of the baby’s face and printed it out for us. He handed it to me and said, “Here is the picture of your alien baby”. I tried to get him to say it was a girl, but he wouldn’t. 8 more weeks to find out.