Hospital Time!
Everything is going much better today. Ethan came out of the NICU at 6pm yesterday. His breathing treatment went great but now we have just been trying to bring up his blood sugar levels. He came out of the NICU because his levels were above 40. In order to keep it above that level we have had to give him some formula because Beka isn’t quite ready for him yet. Beka has been doing great today. Been moving around a lot more and is ready to go home. She keeps saying that she is tired of being in bed. Her Dr. said we could go home anytime but the Pediatrician said we needed to say over night again so they could make sure Ethan could maintain an over 40 blood sugar. He is a much better eater than Tyler ever was, so we are very hopeful for future feedings. Tyler is chillin at home with Grandma Gibbons today. They came up earlier this morning and Tyler sang his little brother a few songs. He sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “ABC’s”. It was very cute. We got it on video so I will have to post it later. He is excited to be a big brother. Thanks to everyone that has visited, texted, and called.